Monday, July 6, 2015

Mom 2 Mom: 6 tips that make doing laundry quicker & easier

1. Prep ahead.

The night before you do laundry, do the prep work. Sort lights & darks and put your first load in the washer & set a delay timer for it to start before you wake up. When you wake up in the morning, your first load will be done washing and ready to go in the dryer. If you don't have a delay timer for your washer, still do the prep the night before and put your first load in when you wake up. I am able to finish about 5 loads of laundry by nap time if I am home in the morning, ready to switch loads as soon as they finish. If I'm not home, it's usually done by late afternoon.

2. Pick a day and stick to it.

Some people like to do one load a day, but I prefer doing it all on one day. It is always the same day, so I hold myself accountable and keep it from piling up. Mondays are laundry day in our house. I like to keep my weekends open and Mondays are usually my most productive day.

3. Keep laundry baskets hidden in various places around your house.

Every bedroom has a laundry basket & the living room has one hidden behind our couch. It saves time so I don't have to go upstairs every time I need to throw something in the laundry basket.

4. Buy all the same color socks.

Ever have a missing sock when doing laundry or spend a lot of time trying to match socks when you're folding clothes? I sure do. Why not have each member in your family have all the same colored socks. That way if you loose one, you can always pair it with another. You also won't waste time trying to pair each one.

5. Re-use some items.

Re-use towels, pajamas, & jeans. Those items don't need to be washed every time you wear them. It will keep your laundry pile to a minimum.

6. Don't put things away until all of the laundry is done.

When a load is finished drying, I lay them all out on our bed so they don't wrinkle. If I have the time, I fold them, but it not they just remain in a flat pile on our bed until all of the laundry is done. Then I fold it all at the same time and put it away. It keeps the lag time to a minimum and will definitely save you some time.

Hope these tips help save you some time with laundry. Lord knows it isn't my favorite chore ;).

Linking up with Cheryl for Monday Funday and Huckleberry Love for Much Ado about Monday!

Have a wonderful Monday! See you all back here tomorrow for another Show and Tell Tuesday! We're sharing all about our beauty routines!


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