Thursday, February 5, 2015

Bonding with my Hubby

Here's the thing, I thought long and hard about whether or not I want to share this post because it is more intimate and I like some things to remain private. HOWEVER, I decided that if I am going to blog, I've got to show you all aspects of me and let you in to some things that help my marriage grow and strengthen, even if that means getting a little more personal than I necessarily feel comfortable with.

After year one as a family of three, I can honestly say I love my husband more than I did on the day we got married. Seeing him as a father and the way he lights up around our daughter (and she lights up around him) warms my heart. The first year isn't all sunshine and rainbows though. Life changes a lot when you have a baby. There is a lot less time spent just the two of you and the exhaustion is real. Intimacy has definitely taken then back burner as we figure out life with a baby. I blog a bit about it here when I was talking about my February goals.

God has been working on my heart a lot lately (and my husband's) about being more intentional about our time together. Now that we're about to enter year two, and we've started to gain some sense of routine and normalcy back, we are working hard on focusing more on each other. I was browsing on of my favorite blogs The Dating Divas, when I thought of this great idea! Basically the idea is you each write down ideas of things you want to do in three categories, Activities at Home, Sexytime, and Activities Out of the House. You don't talk about your ideas with each, but you write the ideas down on a piece of paper and crinkle it up and put them in an envelope. 

Then when you are looking for something fun to do, in said area, you just pick something out of the envelope. The activities at home are just for the two of us. Sort of like a mini date at home. This is great because we can't always have someone come a watch Riley. Activities out of the home involve her and is more of a category of family outings. Our date nights out of the home don't happen very often so those we would rather plan ahead of time. 

If this spontaneity works well for you that is wonderful! However, the planner in me decided that it  was better if we actually knew what the activities were so that we could plan our time better. Some of the activities we things like "cook dinner together" which would go a lot smoother with some notice, so we modified this idea slightly. Instead of keeping them in the envelope, we wrote them all down on a piece of paper and have committed to finishing our list by April. 

So far we have done a few of the items on the list, and it has been a lot of fun! It has been something we both look forward to doing and has been a great way for us to reconnect.

I pray that this inspires some of you to work on strengthening your own marriage and I hope it brings you and your spouse lots of happiness.

Happy Thursday!

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