Monday, June 1, 2015

Riley Update

I feel like Riley has been changing so much lately and there are so many things I want to write down before I forget them all! So today, I will be using this space to provide some Riley update for our own records.

-She is running now. 

-She climbs upstairs on her own at the playground without me worrying she can't do it. 

-She can climb on and off the couch without any problems.

-She is practicing going down stairs on her belly and for the most part can do that really well.

-Up until a week ago she was very nervous to go down a slide on her own. Now, she does it all on her own and loves it!

-She recently started helping me buckle her into her car seat but holding the bottom portion and I clip them in.

-She says yes, no, mama, dada and, just yesterday, she said hat.

-She knows a few animal sounds including a monkey, cow, and dog.

-She loves to play in water but hates to be messy. At sensory group, she barely touches any of the projects and immediately wants the "gross stuff" off her hands.

-She's bossy. She makes it very clear when she wants something. Like if she wants you to go in her play tunnel, she will push your back to get you to lay down. 

-She has discovered what yelling is. In the dining hall, she will go behind the salad bar and yell because she thinks it's fun.

-She loves the beach and collecting seashells.

-She is now sitting in a booster and eating off a plate.

-She loves to "sing".

-She LOVES dogs. If there is a dog near her, she will go over and try to kiss the dog.

-She is very affectionate and loves hugs & kisses. When she sees her friends she immediately goes over and tries to hug/kiss them.

-She LOVES little babies. She kisses their feet and rocks them when they are in their car seat. If she is playing, she makes a conscious effort to stop and go over and check on the baby. She is very nurturing.

-She is entering her toddler years of tantrums and likes personal space when she is upset.

-She is becoming more aware of her surroundings and will point out birds, cars, parking space lines, you name it!

-She still dislikes any veggies, but will eat some meat if it has ketchup on it. Fruit is her favorite, especially strawberries. Her whole face lights up when she gets a strawberry.

-She loves the book "Little Blue Truck" and we read it constantly. She only likes the pages with animals on them though.

-She likes to help with putting clothes in the laundry and vacuuming. 

-She loves Taylor Swift! She has figured out that when we're in the car, if I press a few buttons, Taylor Swift comes on. It is non-stop in the car!

-She loves purses and shoes. Dad's in trouble!

-She also loves helping push her stroller when we're out for a walk.

She is a little adventurer and loves being out and discovering new things.

Our little peanut is now almost 16 months old and I don't know where time has gone! When did she get so big?! It is incredible to watch her grow and we are so thankful to be her parents!

We love you, bug!

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