Monday, May 4, 2015

Dear Momma, You're a Good Mom

Dear Momma,

I see you. Struggling with whether you are doing the best for your kids. You're feeling overwhelmed by all the information and unsure about your choices. I've been there too. 

You're a good mom.

Maybe you've gotten some stares from people for nursing your child in public. Or maybe you've been judged for bottle feeding. Your child is happy and well fed.

You're a good mom.

Maybe you're a working mom who struggles every day with leaving your child with some one else. Or maybe you're a stay at home mom who is trying to manage days filled with diaper changes & temper tantrums while having some sense of self. You're providing for your family. 

You're a good mom.

Maybe you are co-sleeping because you like having them close to you and it makes you feel secure. Or maybe you're sleep training your child and struggling with whether they feel loved by you. You are doing what works best for your family and your child. Your child is loved.

You're a good mom.

Maybe you've had one of those days where you are tired and loose your patience easily. We have all been there. We've all had those days. 

You're a good mom.

Maybe you endured natural child birth. Or maybe you had a c-section, or adopted, or used a surrogate. They love you as only a child can love their mom.

You're a good mom.

Maybe you use organic food or maybe you child eats lots of chicken nuggets. Maybe you child watches tv or none at all. Maybe you follow attachment parenting or maybe you don't. 

The point is there is no perfect way to raise your child. Each situation is unique. Each mother is different. Each child different. What matters is that your child is loved.

At the end of the day, there is no one in the world that matches up to you. You are their MOM. The truest and deepest love their is.

 So next time, when that mom guilt comes creeping into your thoughts, remember the little moments when your child reminds you of their love for you and realize you are doing something right.

You're a good mom. You are loved.

Linking up with Faith & Sarah today!

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