Friday, February 27, 2015

March Goals/Friday Favorites

By Monday, we'll officially be in March so today I am sharing my March goals with you all. I will also be sharing some of my Friday Favorites!

But first, here's how February went.

1. Drink more water.
Well, I haven't doubled my water intake but I have been carrying a water bottle with me everywhere, so I'd say I have made progress but definitely have a ways to go.
2. Be more intentional about time with family.
We have been spending a lot more time just playing and less time focusing on everything else.
3. Find fun cheap/free ways for Riley and I to make new memories.
Ry and I went to the Y for their open swim this month. We've also been taking walks outside together a lot. She loves to just hold my hand and walk. She points at things and I tell her what they are. She loves looking at all the snow. We also bought some crayons and have been printing out coloring pages and doing those together.
4. Spend more quality time with my husband.
We went skiing together and have a date night planned this month. We also have been trying to do at-home dates too!
5. Finish Riley's 1st year book.
Yep, nope. Not done yet. It's started, but definitely not finished.

I hope to improve on these things as the months go on and definitely finish that 1st year book!

Now on to March goals!

1. Organize Pinterest Boards.
My type A personality has a really hard time with disorganization. My Pinterest boards have been bugging me, so the plan this month is to get them organized so things are easy to find.
2. Get in plan in place for Riley's meals & prep food each week.
Now that Riley is past the 1 year mark and we are weaning her, food will be her main source of nourishment and nutrition. All she wants to eat is fruit and bread, so my plan is to make actual meals that might appeal to her more, so that we can get her on a well balanced eating plan. Any tips/advice on this topic would be much appreciated!
3. Schedule a hair appointment.
Haven't had a hair cut since November and it is time to get another one. I also want to explore coloring my hair. I don't want something too high maintenance but just enough to spruce my hair up a bit.
4. Go on a date with Mike.
It's my birthday this month and Mike and I have lined up my parents to watch Ry one night so we can go out and celebrate. (and our Anniversary because somehow that got away from us too)
5. Get Spring clothes.
Riley doesn't have very many Spring clothes yet, so I need to get her some things. We are headed to South Carolina in April and she'll need some warm weather/beach clothes. She needs some bathing suits, beach cover up, sandals, sun hat, shorts, t-shirts, sundresses, etc. I would like some maxi dresses, tunic tops, sandals, shorts, sunglasses, and bathing suits. Mike could use some new bathing suits, shorts and shirts.
6. Toddler activities with Riley.
I plan on looking to see what events are in our local area that would be fun to take Ry to. We have definitely been feeling cooped up lately! We are ready for Winter to be over!

Now on to..
Friday Favorites

Stella & Dot's On the Mark Necklace

I just love the way this necklace looks! And I love it layered with a monogram necklace. It totally adds to an outfit without feeling like too much on days where you don't want a bold statement piece. 

Lots of celebrities are digging the On the Mark Necklace too.

Hanna Andersson Spring 2015

I received my Hanna Andersson Spring Catalog in the mail and OMGosh! I was flipping through it last night and I love the outfits. I am a sucker for stripes and fun prints. These outfits are too cute. I really love how comfortable they are while still looking cute for my girl.

The Bachelor

I just love the two girls he has left. They both seem like such sweethearts. I personally think him and Whitney might be a better match, but we'll have to wait and see! 

That's all for Friday Favorites!

Be sure to check back here on Monday, March 2nd for another edition of Pin-spired. I will be sharing some DIY Mantle Inspiration for Spring, some cute outfit ideas, and some haircut ideas (that I'll need some help deciding on), so stay tuned!

Hope you all have a great weekend!



  1. I'll be interested to see what you do with your hair. I've been thinking of venturing into the world of coloring but I cannot handle anything high maintenance so I'm not quite sure what to do. Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. I am focusing in on posting my March goals too. I failed to list lose five pounds which I do intend on doing! Good luck with the hair...I always feel so refreshed after a good bit of moments in the "chair". Over from the link up....have a fabulous weekend.

  3. Stopping by from the linkup. Good luck with your March goals and I love that necklace. So pretty!
